MADISON, Wisconsin - Isthmus City Football Club is proud to formally issue its Resolution #1 on the subject of the establishment of the ICFC Women’s Division. As a community organization, ICFC is deeply dedicated to the equitable representation and empowerment of all of the demographics it serves. The full text of the resolution is provided here:
Isthmus City FC Resolution #1
Relating to the Establishment of the ICFC Women’s Division
Whereas ICFC exists as a community organization, and any community organization that does not provide for the equitable access to its services and to its direction for the entirety of its community is failing in the duties incumbent upon it; and
Whereas inclusivity, diversity and socio-cultural health & wellness are essential elements in maintaining the fabric of a community, and so must be essential elements in any community organization; and
Whereas the Board of Directors of ICFC acknowledges that the consideration of any contemporary social injustice necessitates also the consideration of the history of such social injustices; and
Whereas ICFC is committed to building a sustainable, future-oriented environment in Madison and its surrounding communities, where any social, cultural, or economic lacerations that have been inflicted may be ameliorated, and not reproduced;
Now, therefore, I, as Secretary of Isthmus City Football Club, do hereby affirm that these issues have been duly weighed and considered by Isthmus City Football Club’s Board of Directors, which in its power does now:
Resolve, through its careful attention to everyday language, through its diligent inspection of the power dynamics underlying our society at all levels, through its concerted efforts to provide a space for all people to feel at ease in pursuing high-level athletic competition, and more, to conduct all business of ICFC with inclusivity, equity, and social justice as the pith of its developmental doctrine; and
Resolve that the ICFC team formerly known as the Men’s Team shall henceforth be regarded under the nomenclature of the Open Team, and shall exist within ICFC’s Open Division; and
Resolve that Isthmus City Football Club shall henceforth establish and maintain the Women’s Division Committee, to exist until such time as one Women’s Team has been formed and is competing in a league commensurate to the competitive nature of the UPSL; and, should subsequent Open Division teams form, the Committee shall reconvene until such time as one Women’s Team is formed for each Open Division Team the Club maintains; and
Resolve that Isthmus City Football Club shall, as a matter of business, maintain a level of socio-cultural diversity within the club that appropriately reflects the diversity of the community it serves.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of Isthmus City Football Club to be affixed on this twenty-fourth day of October in the year two thousand twenty-one.
Julian Holtzman
Justin Swenson